Assessments and Standardized Testing

Pennsylvania System of School Assessments (PSSA)

The Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) will begin immediately after spring break for CCS students in Grades 3-8. The exam schedule* is outlined below:

English/Language Arts
Grades 3rd-8th with a window of April 21-25, 2025

Grades 3rd-8th with a window of April 28-May 2, 2025

May 1st & 2nd window only for 5th and 8th grade only

*Makeup exams will occur throughout the testing window specified for the subject

To ensure that your children are feeling prepared on testing days, please make sure they are well-rested, eat a healthy breakfast, and arrive at school on time. As a reminder, for this year all students are provided breakfast and lunch at no cost. Please also review the important parent/guardian resources found in the “Resources” box on this page.

The PSSA documents are available in English and Spanish. They are:

Families with children in Grades 3rd and 8th can email Mrs. Jenni Burton ([email protected]) with PSSA questions or support.

PSSA Testing Opt-Out Information

Excusal from the PSSA Process

Chapter 4 of Title 22 of the Pa. Code (22 Pa. code 4.4) provides for the right of any parent/guardian to excuse his/her child from the state assessment if, upon inspection of the testing materials, he/she finds the assessment to be in conflict with his/her religious beliefs. This is the only basis for a parent/guardian to excuse his or her child from the statewide assessments.

Procedure for parent/guardian to request that student be excused from the PSSA/Keystone Exam(s):

  1. The parent/guardian needs to initiate contact with the school with a request for his/her student to be excused from the assessment(s).
  2. The School Assessment Coordinator from your building will contact you to schedule an appointment to meet two weeks prior to the assessment(s), where the parent/guardian can come in and view the exam(s) as necessary.
  3. At the meeting, the parent/guardian must submit a written request, addressed to the school CEO, to have his/her child opt out of the assessment due to a religious objection. The letter must list the specific name(s) of each assessment about which there is an objection.
  4. The school will confirm with the parent/guardian that the child will be excused from PSSA testing.

Keystone Spring Assessments

Students who were enrolled in Keystone trigger courses (Algebra 1, Biology, and American Literature) in Spring 2024, but were unable to complete the Keystone exam due to health and safety reasons, will be scheduled to take the Keystone Exam during the Winter Wave.

Additionally, students who have previously completed Keystone exams, but haven’t yet achieved proficiency will be provided an opportunity to retake their exam during the Winter Wave.

The Pennsylvania State Keystone Exams (Winter Keystones) are scheduled for December 4 – 18, 2023.

Students who are actively enrolled in Keystone trigger courses for the 2021-2022 schooly year will be registered to take the Spring Keystone exam.

The Pennsylvania State Keystone Exams (Spring Keystones) are scheduled for May 13 – 24, 2024.

Please review the important parent/guardian resources found in the “Resources” box on the right of the screen.

The documents are available in English and Spanish. They are:

For any students taking either Algebra 1, Biology, or Literature Keystone please email Ms. Jennifer Juarez ([email protected]) with questions.


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Exton, PA 19341
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