School Health / School Nurses

Magnus Health Record

Please fill out the Magnus Health Information for your student as soon as possible. Without a signed ‘Consent to Treat’ in Magnus, we are not permitted to treat your student at school. Without Over the Counter (OTC) permissions, we cannot provide OTC medications to your student at school. Login to Magnus Health using your PowerSchool Parent account. If you have trouble logging into PowerSchool please email [email protected] for help or password resets. Technical issues with Magnus can be directed to

Medication Administration At School

Per PA Department of Health Guidelines for Pennsylvania Schools for the Administration of Medications and Emergency Care, Parent(s)/guardian(s) should administer medications at home whenever possible and should collaborate with their licensed Health Care Provider (HCP) to establish medication schedules that minimize administration at school. Administration of any medication including over-the-counter and homeopathic preparations requires a written order from the licensed HCP and parent permission completed in the school electronic health record.


  • Student’s name
  • Licensed prescriber name, signature, and phone number
  • Name of the medication
  • Route and dosage of medication
  • Frequency and time medication is to be administered
  • Date of the order and the discontinuation date

***HCP prescribed medications and/or treatments are good for one school year.

Delivery, Storage, and Disposal of Medications

All medications administered at CCS require that a parent or guardian drop-off and pick-up the medication directly to the school nurse. No more than a thirty (30) school day supply for any one medication should be stored at school. Any medication sent to school without the required HCP order or outside of the original container will not be administered. The parent/guardian will be notified and given an opportunity to pick up the medication during school hours. CCS does not permit storage of medication for the next school year. Any medication left at the school will be discarded per state disposal guidelines.

Standing Orders/Over-The-Counter (OTC) Medications

Specific OTC medications such as Tylenol, Advil, Tums, or Benadryl (for severe allergic reactions only) stocked in the health office can be administered to students once electronic ‘Consent to Treat’ and ‘OTC medication’ permissions are completed by a parent/guardian within the student’s Magnus Health record.

Emergency Medications and Self-Carry Guidelines

Emergency medications such as inhalers and Epinephrine Auto-Injectors that require immediate dispensing are permitted to be carried by the student on their person. Students who wish to carry and self-administer emergency medications must have written permission from their parent/guardian and an order with an emergency care plan signed by the licensed prescriber. The order must include a statement that it is necessary for the student to carry the medication and that the student is capable of self-administration.

24-Hour Exclusion Policy

For the well-being of all, PLEASE keep your student home when they are ill AND until 24 hours after a fever (100 degrees or greater) has dropped to normal without the use of fever-reducing medications such as Tylenol/Advil, and/or vomiting/diarrhea has stopped. If you think your student may have a contagious condition (Ex: strep throat chicken pox, pink eye, etc.), PLEASE DO NOT send them to school until diagnosed by and under the care of their HCP. Any child sent home from school with a fever who returns to school the next day WILL be sent back home per the 24-hour exclusion policy.

Home Injuries

An HCP order is required to treat any injury/illness that occurs outside of school (Ex, ice for sprains, etc.).

Mandated Health Services

A. Performed by a licensed HCP:

  • Physical Examinations–Required on original entry to K or 1st, 6th, and 11th grades.
  • Dental Examination–Required on original entry to K or 1st, 3rd, 7th, and 11th grades.
  • Vaccinations–Please submit your student’s vaccination record to the school nurse prior to the start of each school. See the link below for grade/age-specific state-mandated vaccination requirements. ***If a student does not have the required vaccine doses a plan must be put in place to obtain the required vaccines or risk exclusion from school.

B. Performed by the School Nurse:

  • Growth Screen–For Grades K-12
  • Hearing Screen–For Grades K-4, 7, 11
  • Scoliosis Screen–For Grades 6 and 7 ( A standard physical examination includes a scoliosis screen. Students who have had a sixth-grade physical examination completed (whether at their private provider or through the school) may be counted as a completed scoliosis screen. It is not required that the school rescreen these students.)
  • Vision Screen–For Grades K-5, 7, 9, 11

***Please notify the building school nurse or [email protected] with updates regarding your student’s health to ensure they receive the necessary care at school. Families can also call 610-903-1300 and use the provided extensions.***

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456 Creamery Way, Suite #100
Exton, PA 19341
Phone: 610-903-1300
Fax: 610-903-1317
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