Student Assistance Program
Our Student Assistance Program (SAP) is designed to assist school personnel in identifying student issues including alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use, along with mental health concerns which pose a barrier to a student’s success. The primary goal of the SAP Team is to identify students who are exhibiting at-risk behaviors and help these individuals (along with their parents/guardians) locate in-school, and community-based resources so that they may overcome these barriers in order for them to succeed. The SAP program is operated in accordance with the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s Division of Student and Safe School Services in partnership with the Pennsylvania Department of Health’s Bureau of Drug and Alcohol Programs, and the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare’s Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services.
Team Members
- Ms. Barber, Director of Student Services (610-903-6352)
- Mrs. Wilkins, Special Education Coordinator (ext. 6034)
- Mr. Hendrazak, School Psychologist (ext. 6613)
- Mrs. Mellone, School Nurse (ext. 6641)
- Mrs. Wolfe, School Counselor (ext. 6612)